In accordance with the Federal law of 27.07.2006 №152-FZ " on personal data», I give my agreement RPE "Petroline-А» LLC, with its address: Central street, 1A,Malaya Shilna village, Tukaevsky district, Republic of Tatarstan, PO 423887, processing of my personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, automated deletion and destruction of, personal data in a specialized electronic database of my contact data, when registering, informing me about products and services, and in order to participate in surveys / questionnaires conducted by RPE "Petroline-A" LLC to study the opinion of customers about the quality of service and services of RPE "Petroline-A" LLC and improve the quality of products and customer service, in case of guarantee of non-disclosure of this information to third parties.
I agree for registration, providing me a reference information and providing production, questionnaire via tel messages and electronic mail.
This agreement is valid from the moment of signing this statement during the period of providing services to RPE "Petroline-A" LLC and five years after the termination of these services. Upon expiration of the specified period, this application shall be considered extended for every next five years in the absence of information about its withdrawal from RPE "Petroline-A" LLC. This agreement may be withdrawn at any time by sending a written response to the address of RPE "Petroline-A" LLC.